Blankney Farm Update – 28 October 2021
October 29, 2021 4:40 pm Comments Off on Blankney Farm Update – 28 October 2021Since our last update, we have now completed our forage maize harvest, with average yields of 38 tonnes per hectare
Since our last update, we have now completed our forage maize harvest, with average yields of 38 tonnes per hectare
Since our last update, we have completed our cereal harvest – wheat, barley, combining peas and beans. The harvest took
Since our last update, our vining pea crop has been harvested, with above average yields from this early vining slot.
Good rain and warming conditions arrived in early May, which meant that our crop development has accelerated and all of
Metheringham Primary School ‘leavers’ have been very busy these past couple of weeks carefully painting the Lincoln Imp that the
Blankney Estates are delighted to have sponsored a ‘Little Imp’ to enable Metheringham Primary School to be part of the
April has been a record dry and frosty month, all of which has contributed to poor crop growth on our
The wait for Spring came about with drier conditions earlier this month and with only 20mm of rain in March,
We have done five surveys, all with positive outcomes – we have populations of grey partridges, tree sparrows and good
Our sugar beet harvest commenced after our Christmas break. It has been a wet time, but we have not had