Blankney Farm Update – 12 January 2024
Recently featured in Aquafeed magazine was an article on nettles which explained some of the trial work completed using nettles as a functional feed for Atlantic salmon.
It is an encouraging article on the merits of nettles and the benefits of their use in feeds.
In other news, rainfall this last year totaled 853.40ml. This is a 128% increase on our average annual rainfall – 55% of this fell between August and the end of the year.
The recent storm has again caused flooding, with large quantities being held in what would normally be dry valleys.
On a more positive note, it has been easy to fill our irrigation reservoirs! The dry week this week has allowed us to again start harvesting our sugar beet and also to drill spring barley. Next week, we are hoping to complete the last few fields of maize, this will be sent to the A.D. site for crimping.