Blankney Farm Update – 12 March 2025

Apologies for the gap in news from the farm, but we have been rather busy – the weather has been on side!

Our sugar beet has been successfully lifted and now sits safely in clamps or maus heaps, ready for collection throughout the rest of this month. Congratulations to all of those involved in this harvest – a great job done.

Spring drilling is well on its way with spring barley, combining peas, beans, all expected to be in the ground by next week.

Our subsidiary company, British Chlorophyll, has had an excellent winter processing period and will soon run short of feedstock. When you see the crop drier start up in early April, we will be doing this to maintain production. Fingers crossed for warmer weather to allow us to do this!

In other news, we are disappointed to learn today that the 2024 SFI application process has been withdrawn by the Government.

We have spent a lot of time developing a new feed product, that would work in line with the SFI scheme – only to now have to put that opportunity and its would-be benefits, on hold. Very frustrating!